Tic-tac-toe is a fun game for the whole family! My four years old loves it but as you know I am not about getting a new sheet of paper every time she wants to play (which might be 10 times a day somedays!). Because she loves it so much I thought it would be fun to make her a little tic-tac-toe travel bag! A small game set we could take with us during our travels in the camper or in the plane!
There are a few options online:
- rocks and a wood slice
- rocks and a little bag
- buttons and a tin box
- marbles and a wood board
- plastic animals and a fabric bag
- …
I decided to go with a few rocks and a little fabric bag from the dollar store. It would make it easier to travel and a lot of fun to go and collect the rocks!

But you don’t have to go with one of those examples! For instance, if you have an old tin soap box around and a few marbles that would work too!
Once you decided what to use it’s pretty easy!
How to make it
First, just paint the lines on the fabric bag (or the wood slice or the tin box) with fabric paint or a permanent marker. Then go outside and collect rocks (or in your cupboard to find marbles or buttons). If you chose the rocks, you have to decide on the design. This could be simple as two different plain colours or the classic X and O. Or it could be cute little drawings like sun and moon, sun and stars, rainbow and sun, sun and clouds, ladybugs and bees, unicorns and mermaids, flowers and leaves… The possibilities are endless!
Once you are done with the painting, let the rocks dry and put them in the bag!
Now you have it! A perfect tic-tac-toe travel bag! You can play a fun waste free and mess free everywhere you want!