I love doing matching accessories for my daughter and me. Today I made myself a fleece scarf and I made the same one for my little girl!
It’s half fleece half cotton so it’s soft and it’s warm and this little fleece scarf looks super cute! I choose black and white because that goes with everything but you could pick any colour you like. Or do different patterns and same colour. Or same colour different patterns. You could also use left over fabric from a little dress or skirt you made for your daughter! It’s totally up to you and your little one so have fun!

- 140cm x 35cm fleece
- 140cm x 35cm cotton
- a big button (3cm diameter)
- 10cm of elastic
- 4cm x 4cm fleece or faux leather triangle
- matching thread
- First sew the triangle with the elastic in a loop on the top right corner of the cotton rectangle. Place the triangle about 4cm away from the corner and 1.5cm from the edge of the fabric and sew!

- Sew the button on the bottom left corner of the cotton rectangle. Place it 11cm away from the edge and 3cm form the bottom.
- Place the two rectangles facing each other and sew 1cm from the edge leaving 10-15cm open to be able to turn it.
- Cut the excess fabric in the corners so you will have perfect angles.
- Turn the scarf upside.
- Close the opening with an invisible stitch.
I made the same one for my daughter just a little bit smaller, I wrap the fabric around her neck twice and turned out she needed 15cm x 100cm rectangles of fabric. I used 5cm of elastic and a smaller matching button. And voila! Matching fleece scarves!!!
She loved it so much we had to take a selfie!!!