Hi there and welcome to my little corner of the internet!
About my Blog
I am starting this blog to share with you my 2021 resolution of living a simpler life.
What’s a simpler life, you might ask? Well, it depends! I believe there are as many simple lifestyle as there are people. For you it might mean living in a farm and growing everything you need for yourself and for someone else it might mean raising 3 children in a one bedroom apartment in the heart of Manhattan!
For me, it’s all about consuming less and making more! Making more food, clothes, products… but also making more time, more memories… Enjoying a delicious meal I made for my family, that feeling I have when I walk around wearing something I just made from a piece of fabric, teaching my daughter how to make ice cream and watch her make a mess!
Follow me as I try to make everything from scratch!!!

About me
Well, I am a mom, a partner (not a wife!) and now a blogger! I am French and Canadian. I was born in South of France (so excuse my english!) where I spent the first 25 years of my life, then I moved to Canada in 2010 and Vancouver, BC has been home ever since. In 2017, I became a mom then 7 month later I stopped working to fully enjoy my little girl!